Become a friar

Join our joyful band of brothers

Discerning one’s vocation is no easy task — identifying God’s voice amid life’s distractions is more challenging than ever. We have more than 70 friars dedicated to Vocation Ministry, and they are ready to support you on your journey as you consider what God is calling you to do with your life.

Qualifications for becoming a friar

A candidate for our way of life is:

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.”
— Frederick Buechner

Opportunities to learn about our way of life

step 1

Contact our Franciscan Vocation Ministry team

Fill out the form here to begin the process. A friar will get in touch with you to discuss next steps and introduce you to a friar in your region who can give you insights into everyday life as a friar.
Step 2

Experience Franciscan life

Visit one of our ministries or join an organic discernment community as you continue to explore your vocation.
Step 3

Attend a discernment weekend

After you have spent some time with our friars, you may be invited to attend a discernment weekend where you will be able to discuss your calling in more depth with our vocation team.
Step 4

Submit a formal application

Apply to join the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe's formation program. The application invites you to continue your discernment with us but does not require you to take vows.

Frequently asked questions

The designation comes from St. Francis, who called the first Franciscans “lesser” or “minor” brothers as a sign of humility in service to Christ. We use this still today to remind us that we are never “above” those we serve – a key principle in our relationships with others. When people spot a Franciscan in our brown habit, we want them to know right away that they’ve found a true friend in Christ, and a trusted equal whom they can approach without fear or hesitation.

As Franciscans, we see ourselves as brothers to one another, living in community. In this sense, all friars are “brothers” first and foremost. Some friars are called to the ordained ministry of priesthood and use the title “Father.” Other friars who do not feel called to ordained ministry use the title “Brother.” Many people are not aware that St. Francis himself was not a priest. Francis’ focus was always on “the brotherhood.”

St. Francis of Assisi, son of a wealthy cloth merchant, sought to clothe himself in the simplest rags available as a sign of his humility. Over 800 years later, Franciscans wear the habit for the same reason – not to separate us from the public or to signify authority, but for quite the opposite goal – as a sign to all people that we are their humble friends in Christ. From the Latin word habitus meaning “to put on a new way of life,” the habit is an outward symbol of an inward commitment.